Thursday, October 30, 2014

Top query Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers

Q. What is Dynamic Testing?
Ans. It is the testing done by executing the code or program with various input values and output is verified.
Q. What is GUI Testing?
Ans. GUI or Graphical user interface testing is the process of testing software user interface against the provided requirements/mockups/HTML designs.
Q. What is Formal Testing?
Ans. Software verification carried out by following test plan, testing procedures and proper documentation with an approval from customer
Q. What is Risk Based Testing?
Ans. Identifying the critical functionality in the system then deciding the orders in which these functionality to be tested and applying testing.
Q. What is Early Testing?
Ans. Conducting testing as soon as possible in development life cycle to find defects at early stages of SDLC.
Early testing is helpful to reduce the cost of fixing defects at later stages of STLC.
Q. What is Exhaustive Testing?
Ans. Testing functionality with all valid, invalid inputs and preconditions is called exhaustive testing.
Q. What is Defect Clustering?
Ans. Any small module or functionality may contain more number of defects – concentrate more testing on these functionality.
Q. What is Pesticide Paradox?
Ans. If prepared test cases are not finding defects, add/revise test cases to find more defects.
Q. What is Static Testing?
Ans. Manual verification of the code without executing the program is called as static testing. In this process issues are identified in code by checking code, requirement and design documents.
Q. What is Positive Testing?
Ans. Testing conducted on the application to determine if system works. Basically known as “test to pass” approach.
Q. What is Negative Testing?
Ans. Testing Software with negative approach to check if system is not “showing error when not supposed to” and “not showing error when supposed to”.
Q. What is End-to-End Testing?
Ans. Testing the overall functionality of the system  including the data integration among all the modules is called end to end testing.
Q. What is Exploratory Testing?
Ans. Exploring the application, understanding the functionality, adding (or) modifying existing test cases for better testing is called exploratory testing.
Q. What is Monkey Testing
Ans. Testing conducted on a application without any plan and carried out with tests here and there to find any system crash with an intention of finding tricky defects is called monkey testing.
Q. What is Non-functionality Testing?
Ans. Validating various non functional aspects of the system such as user interfaces, user friendliness security, compatibility, Load, Stress and Performance etc is called non functional testing.
Q. What is Usability Testing?
Ans. Checking how easily the end users are able to understand and operate the application is called Usability Testing.
Q. What is Security Testing
Ans. Validating whether all security conditions are properly implemented in the software (or) not is called security testing.
Q. What is Performance Testing?
Ans. Process of measuring various efficiency characteristics of a system such as response time, through put, load stress transactions per minutes transaction mix.
Q. What is Load Testing?
Ans. Analyzing functional and performance behavior of the application under various conditions is called Load Testing.
Q. What is Stress Testing?
Ans. Checking the application behavior under stress conditions
Reducing the system resources and keeping the load as constant checking how does the application is behaving is called stress testing.
Q. What is Process?
Ans. A process is set of a practices performed to achieve a give purpose; it may include tools, methods, materials and or people.
Q. What is Software Configuration Management?
Ans. The process of identifying, Organizing and controlling changes to software development and maintenance.

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